This is a personal blog, born from the idea of concentrating in a single place a whole set of contents which, due to my taste or intrinsic limitations, cannot find space on social media.
Reflections longer than 160 characters, cazzeggi, photographs and contents not to be obsoleted by a continuous flow of other stuff, giving relevance to one aspect rather than another, avoid strict timelines, all operations that a blog allows and a flow does not.
No controversy here, or hiatus against the social-addicted, consumerist society, it is a useless waste of energy compared to getting straight to the thing, that is, a simple blog.
The blog also targets a more specific need, to delve deeper into some issues that require a structured approach, and to document a project I’m going to develop which will involve making of physical objects, “gadgets”, that are a practical expression of some of my ideas.
The name is taken from Milliways, “the restaurant at the end of the universe” well known to any nerd on planet earth for being one of the fantastic products from the mind of Douglas Adams:
“Ladies and gentlemen, the Universe as we know it has now been in existence for over one hundred and seventy thousand million billion years and will be ending in a little over half an hour. So, welcome one and all to Milliways, the Restaurant at the End of the Universe!”
It is also a restaurant in Turin, this too belonging to a fantastic universe, truly fantastic, because it does not exist anywhere except inside the mind of a very lazy writer tormented by the thousand ways of the possible, so you’ll now understand the enormous and circumfused risk I’m taking.